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Accounts and Claims

February 20 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Accounts and Claims

Thursday, February 20

12:00 pm  – 2:00 PM | Online


A 2-hour workshop aims to have an open conversation about how to use the OCR system successfully.

The training has been developed by FSCD to address four significant challenges facing system users. They are:

  • Understanding the Agreement
  • Accessing OCR
  • Creating a Successful claim; and
  • Record keeping and preparing for reviews


A Service Roadmap has also been developed to give users a high-level overview of the entire process, with helpful links at each step to provide further details.


Questions? Jacquie (facilitator) at [email protected]


February 20
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:


Gateway Association
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