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Visioning & Planning, For Children 0-8 Years Old (2 of 3)

February 11 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Visioning & Planning, For Children 0-8 Years Old


February 4

February 11

February 18

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Online


A 3-part workshop series that empowers families of children with disabilities up to 8 years old with knowledge, resources, and more.

This is a workshop for parents/caregivers of children with disabilities from birth-8 years old with knowledge, resources, and a sense of direction for the future.

We will touch on a variety of topics including values and belonging in the community, visioning and planning, various transitions during early elementary school, navigating various systems (FSCD) age appropriate for families with younger children as well as advocacy and having difficult conversations.

Questions? Li(facilitator) at Li@gatewayassociation.ca



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