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ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions
FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions
DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops
Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association
MentorAbility Alberta is offering ongoing FREE interactive Industry Information Sessions! These information sessions give participants the opportunity to learn more about prospective industries, recruitment requirements and qualifications, and the next steps they may need to take to achieve their employment goals.
Every federal election, Elections Canada becomes the largest employer in Canada by hiring more than 200,000 people to work at the polls. You are officially invited to the Elections Canada virtual session happening on the 18th of Dec from 1pm to 2pm overviewing the programs and tools in place to reduce barriers to working at a general federal election. By the end of this session, we hope you will feel confident applying to work at the polls during a federal election and support diverse Canadians in exercising their democratic right to vote.
Elections Canada’s mission is to ensure that Canadians can exercise their democratic rights to vote and be a candidate. Research shows that some electors, including youth, new Canadians, electors with disabilities and Indigenous electors, face barriers to participating in elections. These barriers can include not knowing the ways to register and vote, or how to work at an election or run as a candidate. Through the Inspire Democracy program, Elections Canada works with a network of partner organizations to share key information and hold workshops for people who face barriers to participating in elections.
This event is offered to all MentorAbility participants – so if you are a job seeker who experiences disability-related barriers to employment or a supportive employment service provider who wants to learn more about the industry, this event is for you!
If we can offer any accommodations during the event to make your participation easier or answer any questions you have about the event ahead of time, please contact after you register to discuss.
This event will be recorded.