Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.
ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions
FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions
DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops
Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association
Session 3 of 4
Duration 1.5 hr
Facilitator: Toby
Private – GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop:
This 3 session workshop series (part 1 of the work simulation) helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan a vacation, and compare different search engines. As a group, learners will chat about fake news, investigate stories on Snopes, and chat about the media we take in everyday.