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ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Registered Disability Savings Plan 2-Part Series

13420 114 Ave Edmonton, Alberta 13420 114 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Considering opening an RDSP but want to learn more about it? Gateway Association's RDSP Coordinators will be hosting a FREE, 2 part presentation series on April 12th an 19th at the Edmonton Public Library, Woodcroft Location! If you are interested in attending the sessions either IN PERSON or ONLINE, connect with us HERE

ePortfolio Series (3/3)

Session 3 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: In the eportfolio workshop series, participants will learn about the different types of portfolios, how to use google sites, and the basics of layout and design. Learners will choose the type of portfolio they want to build and the […]

Audio Editing with Audacity (3/3)

Session 3 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: In this 3 session workshop series participants will be guided through the steps to use Audacity software for basic audio editing. This series will focus on editing spoken dialogue.

Workplace Communication

Workplace Communication is made up of many essential skills, such as, what is okay to talk about at work with your coworkers? How to give and receive positive and constructive feedback? How to talk about conflict? In this workshop, we will talk about ways to help you to feel confident and comfortable with workplace communication. […]

Explore Canva (2/2)

Session 2 of 2 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: Let your imagination be your guide as you create your own posters, flyers, cards, videos, and more to share information important to you.

Practice Session- Animating a Project with Scratch

Scratch, is a beginner-level programming environment. It was developed at the MIT Media Lab and shared as an open-source (and FREE) resource for people to dip their toes into the world of code. No computer science or coding experience is required just bring your imagination.  Participants will be able to create stories, games, and animations […]

In Person- Transition Planning for Adulthood: Weekend Blitz-Day 1 of 2

Transition Planning for Adulthood: Weekend Blitz- Day 1 of 2 Friday, April 14 6pm - 9pm | Zoom & Saturday, April 15 9am – 4pm | Zoom Transitioning to adulthood is one of the most important life transitions we experience. Youth ages 16-20 require support in navigating this critical time of life. This workshop offers […]

In Person- Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol (FMS Admin)

Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol (FMS Admin)     Saturday, April 15 9am - 12 pm In person event Location: Gateway Association 10941 120 St #201, Edmonton AB T5H 3R3 A workshop that explores ways to reduce the risk of abuse and how to handle suspicions of abuse (for Family Managed Services Administrators). This workshop, for […]

In Person- Transition Planning for Adulthood: Weekend Blitz- Day 2 of 2

Transition Planning for Adulthood: Weekend Blitz- Day 2 of 2 Friday, April 14 6pm - 9pm | Zoom & Saturday, April 15 9am – 4pm | Zoom Transitioning to adulthood is one of the most important life transitions we experience. Youth ages 16-20 require support in navigating this critical time of life. This workshop offers […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series (1/4)

Session: 1 of 4 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: This 3 session workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan […]

Google Docs (1/2)

Session: 1 of 2 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private – GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop:   Learn how to create a google accounts, access google drive, upload files, create folders, search for files. Group discussion on cloud storage, strong passwords, file naming conventions and keeping documents and folders organized.

Look Stuff Up Online Series (2/4)

Session: 2 of 4 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: This 3 session workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan […]