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ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Email Basics

Learn about and practice the basics of writing professional emails for your job search and workplace communication For questions and to register, please connect with us at [email protected]

ePortfolio Series (4/4)

Learners will work on their own between classes. In the eportfolio workshop, participants will learn about the different types of portfolios, how to use google sites, and the basics of layout and design. Learners will choose the type of portfolio they want to build and the subject they want to focus on. They will select and add […]

Indigenous History: Decolonization — Current Impacts of Colonialism

There is still a lot of work to be done when it comes to Truth and Reconciliation within our communities and across Canada. Jaylene and Vince discuss serious concerns that still plague Indigenous peoples at home and in the workplace and the actions that must be taken to restore equity, and a path forward to […]

Intro to Google Docs Series (1/4)

In this workshop series, Participants will create their own google account, learn to navigate google drive, and keep their drives organized. Through a series of activities, Learners will practice creating and sharing google documents, explore the tools provided to help them write, edit, comment and chat. This workshop covers the Basics of google drive and […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series

This workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan a vacation, and compare different search engines. As a group, learners will chat about fake news, investigate stories on Snopes, […]

Explore Canva

Let your imagination be your guide as you create your own posters, flyers, cards, videos, and more to share information important to you. For questions and to register, please connect with us at [email protected]

Intro to Google Docs Series (2/4)

In this workshop series, Participants will create their own google account, learn to navigate google drive, and keep their drives organized. Through a series of activities, Learners will practice creating and sharing google documents, explore the tools provided to help them write, edit, comment and chat. This workshop covers the Basics of google drive and […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series (2/4)

This workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan a vacation, and compare different search engines. As a group, learners will chat about fake news, investigate stories on Snopes, […]

Workplace Expectations

You’ve got the job, now you must keep it! Talking about the everyday behaviors that are appropriate in the workplace: showing up on time how long is too long for socializing with coworkers breaks – what does this mean motivation and engagement For accommodation requirements, please connect with us at [email protected]

GTDI Program Info Session

Have you or someone you know wanted to increase your basic digital skills to work, learn, or have fun? Have you wanted to find ways to connect to work, friends, family, or supports online? We can help! Digital Literacy is your Gateway to connecting, working, learning, sharing, growing, and creating online. The Gateway to Digital […]

Intro to Google Docs Series (3/4)

In this workshop series, Participants will create their own google account, learn to navigate google drive, and keep their drives organized. Through a series of activities, Learners will practice creating and sharing google documents, explore the tools provided to help them write, edit, comment and chat. This workshop covers the Basics of google drive and […]