Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Transition Planning for Adulthood (Session 2 of 4)

A 4-part series exploring the critical transition to adulthood of 16-20 year olds and how families can create a plan for the future. Transitioning to adulthood is one of the most important life transitions we experience. Youth ages 16-20 require support in navigating this critical time of life. This workshop offers parents the opportunity to […]

Families Forward Meeting (Over 18)

About this event Where families can connect with other families, learn from one another, and explore issues that are important (such as schooling, leadership, and community and government support). February topic: Building connections How to develop a network of support for your family member. Let’s discuss paid and natural supports and how to increase connections […]

LAST CALL for Submissions

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! Be it compassion, safety or acceptance, we want to hear from you. Here at Gateway, we are working on launching our very first community gallery showcasing community-created art on the theme of “Belonging”. You can share your thoughts in a variety of formats including photos, videos, texts and graphics. Please send submissions […]

Build a Website Series (May 2- June 30)

Learn the internet basics in this fun and interactive series. Searching, sharing, connecting, increase your digital and social skills and much more! Work as a part of a team to build a website for a company you help to create. This series will be hosted virtually and will run from May 2nd until June 30th, […]

Master Resume: It’s All About You!

Come join us to learn about how to complete a master resume which is a living document. Don't know what this means, come join us to find out how a master resume can help you to write a targeted resume to get the job you want!   If you have question or would like to […]

ePortfolio Series (Session 1 of 4)

Create a website all about you! Learn basic design and layout as you choose and create content for your portfolio. To learn more and to register, connect with us at

Digital Citizenship

Find out what it means to be a digital citizen, how you can share your passions online, and make social changes. To learn more and to register, connect with us at

Having Difficult Conversations

About this event A workshop for people with disabilities and their families on navigating difficult conversations Let's get talking! Having conversations can be hard, especially since the start of the pandemic. How we communicate with others is important. During this short ninety minute workshop, we will explore what conflict is, how we respond to it […]

Having Difficult Conversations

A workshop for people with disabilities and their families on navigating difficult conversations Let's get talking! Having conversations can be hard, especially since the start of the pandemic.How we communicate with others is important. During this short ninety minute workshop, we will explore what conflict is, how we respond to it and some key principles […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series (Session 4 of 4)

Chat about fake news, learn how to do a great search, plan a trip, and find out what information photos can tell you. To learn more and to register, connect with us at

Email Basics

Learn about and practice the basics of writing professional emails for your job search and workplace communication. To learn more and to register, connect with us at