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MentorAbility Industry Info Session: Explore Labour Market Trends

March 19 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

You are officially invited to the Labour Market Trends in Alberta session happening on the 19th of March from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. The goal of this session is to learn about current labour needs, emerging trends, in-demand skills, and overlooked industries to help job seekers broaden their employment options. We are joined by Sneda Vargas (Pronouns: she/her/hers), Workforce Consultant- Regional Employer Supports

Jobs, Economy and Trade with the Government of Alberta. With over fifteen years of experience in government relations, Sneda is a seasoned Workforce Consultant (WFC) committed to building a strong and resilient workforce. Based in Edmonton Metro Region, Sneda provides employers and industry with outreach services across various areas including:

  • Coaching and advising parties to empower them in identifying and addressing workforce development challenges
  • Promoting and connecting parties to relevant provincial and federal workforce programs
  • Assisting parties in establishing Labour Market Partnerships and networks at both local and regional levels

In addition to her professional work, she also volunteers her time, when possible, with a mentorship program for newcomers, offering guidance and support as they adjust to the labour market environment. Outside of her professional and volunteer commitments, she has a passion for travelling immersing herself in the art and culture of each destination.

This event is offered to all MentorAbility participants – so if you are a job seeker who experiences disability-related barriers to employment or a supportive employment service provider who wants to learn more about the industry, this event is for you!

If we can offer any accommodations during the event to make your participation easier or answer any questions you have about the event ahead of time, please contact susannah@gatewayassociation.ca after you register to discuss.

This event will be recorded.

Register HERE


March 19
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:


Gateway Association
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