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PDD 101

March 29 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

PDD 101     

Saturday, March 29
9:00 am  – 12:00 pm | Online
A workshop for caregivers to develop knowledge of Alberta’s government service known as Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD).
“This workshop is an introduction to, and overview of, PDD for those who may be eligible. You will gain an understanding of the PDD program, options available for service provision, and information to determine the best supports for your family.
 This workshop will provide you with:
1. An understanding of the PDD program’s role in supporting adults with developmental disabilities
2. Knowledge of available options for service provision – Family Managed Supports (FMS) and PDD Service Providers (agency)
3. Information to guide you in determining which type of service provision will best suit your family and adult child’s needs”
Questions?  contact Miriam (facilitator) at miriam@gatewayassociation.ca


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