Celebrate Rosie

Whether you’re a regular customer or in for a one–time purchase, a giant smile and bubbly personality is what you’ll be met with when you check out through Rosie’s till at Lowe’s – South Edmonton Common. You really can’t help but smile yourself! We popped in for a visit with former Gateway Participant Rosie to hear how she has been doing since taking on a new role at Lowe’s.
Rosie started working with Gateway in spring of 2021 after struggling to find work following COVID. “I was a receptionist at Goodwill and then was laid off during Covid and had a really hard time finding work afterward!” “I believed that my education and experience were some of my barriers, but Gateway helped me to look into industries that matched my skill set and experience!”
By delving into career exploration, Gateway helped Rosie to figure out what industries were best suited for her skill set and interests, attended career fairs with her, connected with employers and, when Rosie was ready, helped her to apply for jobs!
“Gateway also helped me with writing my resume, practice for interviews, work on my confidence…I don’t feel like I would have had the confidence to apply for jobs without Gateway- they encouraged me and followed up with employers for me after I applied!”
With Gateway’s support, Rosie obtained a job at Lowe’s as a cashier! Lowe’s is no stranger to the practice of inclusion and implementing accommodations, taking an individual approach to assessing employees’ needs. “I know that this store specifically has always included all team members in everything that we are doing,” manager Debra shares, “Lowes is really good at accommodating lots of different special requirements, whether it is family-related, disability related, work rotation, etc. With Rosie, we got to know her and what sort of learning curve and accommodations that she was going to be needing. But really, that was it! It took Rosie a while longer to remember her roles, but all she needed was a longer amount of time to catch on and it’s been the key to her being successful here!”

“I feel like I have been successful with Gateway because I was able to get a job where I can get more experience!” Rosie brings her enthusiasm and vibrant personality to work each and every day and has been formally recognized for her excellent customer service skills through Lowe’s “Voice of the Customer” surveys 4 times now!
Debra also shared, “I feel like it has been successful because Rosie has become part of our team and has built good relationship with the team members! She takes constructive criticism seriously and is always focusing on growing as an employee.“
The support from both Lowe’s and Gateway has continued with regular check ins and ensuring that Rosie and her team know that Gateway is here to support them along the way!
When we asked Rosie if she would recommend Gateway to other’s seeking employment support, she shared, “ I would! I have recommended my sister and a couple friends to Gateway already haha!”