Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


LinkedIn Series (3/4)

Build your own LinkedIn profile! Share your skills, goals, and experiences, create job alerts, and grow your online network. For questions and to register, please connect with us at

Understanding Disability in the Transition Years

Understanding Disability in the Transitioning Years Wednesday, September 14 12pm – 1pm | Zoom A workshop that provides an overview of supports available to youth who are transitioning to adulthood. […]

Open Art Studio!

Join OPEN♥ART for a chance to create alongside others, share and experiment with different art forms. Each month will include a different approach to art-making that aims to inspire your […]