Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


LinkedIn Series (4/4)

Build your own LinkedIn profile! Share your skills, goals, and experiences, create job alerts, and grow your online network. For questions and to register, please connect with us at [email protected]

Email Basics- Practice Session

**For participants who have completed Email Basics, and would like more practice** A session for participants who have take the Email Basics session and would like more practice in writing […]

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search

Growth Mindset – Resiliency in Job Search  Job search can be a long and daunting process for many. This workshop will help individuals create a positive and persistent mindset along […]