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ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


ePortfolios (1 of 3)

ePortfolios Session 1 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: **A desktop or laptop computer is required for this workshop.** In the eportfolio workshop series, participants will learn about the different types of portfolios, how to use google sites, and the basics of layout and design. Learners will choose the type of […]

Workplace Communication – Positive Communication and Constructive Feedback 

Workplace Communication 101 - Positive Communication and Constructive Feedback  Description: Workplace Communication is made up of many essential skills, such as, what is okay to talk about at work with your coworkers? How to give and receive positive and constructive feedback? In this workshop, we will talk about ways to help you to feel confident and […]

File Management and PDFs (1 of 2)

File Management and PDFs Session 1 of 2 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: In this workshop participants will learn about saving files, organizing and finding files, converting documents to pdfs, what a is pdf, and how to use pdfs.

ePortfolios (2 of 3)

ePortfolios Session 2 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: **A desktop or laptop computer is required for this workshop.** In the eportfolio workshop series, participants will learn about the different types of portfolios, how to use google sites, and the basics of layout and design. Learners will choose the type of […]

File Management and PDFs (2 of 2)

File Management and PDFs Session 2 of 2 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: In this workshop participants will learn about saving files, organizing and finding files, converting documents to pdfs, what a is pdf, and how to use pdfs.

Industry Information Session: Careers in Technology with Tech Recruiter Mônica Alves Maciel and CITI – Careers In Technology and Innovation founder Zac Novak

Industry Information Session: Careers in Technology with Tech Recruiter Mônica Alves Maciel and CITI – Careers In Technology and Innovation founder Zac Novak Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work in the Tech industry? Join us for a FREE interactive MentorAbility Industry Information Session with Tech Recruiter Mônica Alves Maciel and […]

Online Boardgames

Online Boardgames Session: 1 of 1 Duration: 1.5 to 2 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop signup: **Requires Online Social Connections - Discord and Steam Tutorials as well as desktop or laptop computer.** Come hang out! Learn about setting up online accounts, meet new friends, socialize, and have fun playing boardgames online. Meet new friends, practise […]

ePortfolios (3 of 3)

ePortfolios Session 3 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: **A desktop or laptop computer is required for this workshop.** In the eportfolio workshop series, participants will learn about the different types of portfolios, how to use google sites, and the basics of layout and design. Learners will choose the type of […]

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search  

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search   Description:  Job search can be a long and daunting process for many. This workshop will introduce folks to the concept of having a “Growth Mindset” and help individuals create a positive/persistent mindset along with tips on how to stay motivated throughout this process. Online or In-Person: ONLINE To register or […]

Google Drive ( 1 of 2)

Google Drive  Session: 1 of 2  Duration: 1 hr  Facilitator: Lee   Private – GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop:    Learn how to create a google accounts, access google drive, upload files, create folders, search for files. Group discussion on cloud storage, strong passwords, file naming conventions and keeping documents and folders organized.  

Audio Editing with Audacity (1 of 3)

Audio Editing with Audacity Session 1 of 3 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: In this 3 session workshop series participants will be guided through the steps to use Audacity software for basic audio editing. This series will focus on editing spoken dialogue.