Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Digital Citizenship

Find out what it means to be a digital citizen and how you can share your passions online. Learn about online activism, how to use the internet to create change, […]

Intro to Google Docs Series (1/4)

In this workshop series, Participants will create their own google account, learn to navigate google drive, and keep their drives organized. Through a series of activities, Learners will practice creating […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series (1/4)

This workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, […]

Email Basics

Learn about and practice the basics of writing professional emails for your job search and workplace communication To learn more and to register, please connect with us at [email protected]

Work Simulation, Week 1/6

Oct 18th to Nov 24rd - This is a 6-week course. Classes are on Tues to Thurs for 2 hours per session Increase your digital and social skills, as you work in a […]

Intro to Google Docs Series (2/4)

In this workshop series, Participants will create their own google account, learn to navigate google drive, and keep their drives organized. Through a series of activities, Learners will practice creating […]

Look Stuff Up Online Series (2/4)

This workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, […]