Annual General Meeting
Welcome to Gateway Association’s 2023 AGM page!
This page represents a collection of highlights, achievements, changes and growth that were experienced in 2023! Please give it a browse through and help us in celebrating the achievements we hae accommplished internally and throughout our community!
Gateway Association
We are passionate about empowering families and people who live with disabilities to live fully authentic lives. We envision a community where all children grow within a family; all children learn together in neighbourhood schools; all adults work at real jobs in the community; all adults have real homes and real friends; and all people are valued, contributing members of their communities.
Gateway envisions a world where all people are valued, respected members of their communities.
Gateway will be a global leader and influencer in community development that looks to our roots and expertise to break barriers for people with disabilities.
Transformation of community through the lens of disability.
Sahana Parameswara
Message from Executive Director:
What can we continue to do, to acknowledge and support all identities of the person experiencing disability?
How do we commit to staff care when systems we are operating under get more restrictive?
How can we continue to move in the direction of “committing to accountability with compassion”?
As Indigenous communities remind us “we are all connected and we are all related”. Disability justice is tied in with justice for all oppressed groups. Advocacy for one group is tied in with advocacy for all groups. Relational connections, events, and initiatives led by colleagues have invited all of us at Gateway to increase our understanding of intersectional matters in both Calgary and Edmonton. Particularly those that relate to indigenous jobseekers, racialized newcomers and, queer and trans communities. I hope and trust that 2024 will continue to expand shared advocacy, understanding and impact.
Settler in Treaty 6 Territory
Board Members

Alex Kirkland
President- Self Advocate

Michael Wing
Vice President – Self Advocate

Chantel Painter
Director – Community Member

Harry Tucker
Director – Community Member

Riplea Lothian
Director – Community Member

Ronelo Aromin
Director – Community

Monica Cheng
President’s Message

Board President
Alex Kirkland
My name is Alex Kirkland and I’m proud to be the president of Gateway Association Board of Directors.
This past year has seen very many changes with the board of directors. We have seen some long standing board members leave and have welcomed brand new board members, with new skills, ideas and directions. I look forward to what this new board can offer Gateway Association.
Gateway Association continues to work hard in both Edmonton and Calgary and I am proud to say that the agency works very hard to advocate for people with disabilities and even those who are even more marginalized in this society by their intersecting identities.
Not only do we do this for people we serve but we lead by example when it comes to our staff. We continue to value, respect, and are open to seeing differing perspectives through a lens that includes everyone with different lived experiences. I’m very proud of Gateway’s atmosphere of inclusivity!
Finally, I would like to thank all of those who have made this year’s accomplishments possible and I hope that you enjoy your time with us at the AGM event!
Gateway Programs

Family Resource Centre
About FRC
The Gateway Association Family Resource Centre (FRC) is located on Treaty 6 territory. Founded by families that envisioned a “gateway to a better life”, our Family Resource Centre is here for families supporting loved ones across all ages with disabilities (developmental, physical, sensory, mental, or neurological) and/or health conditions impacting their well-being, independence and social participation.
The ultimate goal of our Family Resource Centre is to enhance each family’s expertise on their own children and provide concrete resources that can ease the journey as the family navigates the next steps. Our FRC team is made up of families, neurodiverse individuals, and multiple ethnicities that have varied experiences. The team partners with various organizations to continually increase our diversity of thought and capacity to work with all families.
In 2023, the Family Resource Centre significantly doubled its support to nearly 2000 individuals and families through a range of services, including Individual Support Plans (ISPs), workshops, support calls and presentations. This marks a substantial increase from the previous year (1000). Nearly eighteen hundred families were served directly by our Family Resource Center (1784) in documented calls, workshops, meetings and presentations. Families were also served through supports with DTC, RDSPs and general inquiries. Families and individuals have not only gained valuable insights and resources but have also learned to build capacity, foster connections, and glean knowledge from one another. The surge in family support calls and the escalating demand for workshops within the community highlight the growing need for services.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Sahana Parameswara (she/her), FRC Director, Executive Director
- Betty Hahn-Sidor (she/her), Planning Supports Manager
- Fiona Wilson (she/her), Fund Development Manager & RDSP Coordinator
- Jacqueline Dymianiw (she/her), RDSP Coordinator
- Li Li (she/her), Family Resource Centre Coordinator
- Miriam Ading (she/her), Family Resource Centre Coordinator
- Shelley Meadahl (she/her), Family Resource Centre Coordinator
- Stacy Grainger-Schatz (she/her), Planning Supports Manager
- Yonique Ritch (she/her), Family Resource Manager
Learn more about FRC team members HERE
2023 Highlights and Achievements
In 2023, the Family Resource Centre significantly doubled its support to nearly 2000 individuals and families through a range of services, including Individual Support Plans (ISPs), workshops, support calls and presentations. This marks a substantial increase from the previous year (1000). Nearly eighteen hundred families were served directly by our Family Resource Center (1784) in documented calls, workshops, meetings and presentations.
Families were also served through supports with DTC, RDSPs and general inquiries. Families and individuals have not only gained valuable insights and resources but have also learned to build capacity, foster connections, and glean knowledge from one another. The surge in family support calls and the escalating demand for workshops within the community highlight the growing need for services.
In 2023, the FRC:
- Served close to 1784 families directly
- Through the website, newsletter, Gateway App, Facebook Groups, we impacted over 3000 folks in the Edmonton region.
- Facilitated 76 workshops
- Attended 30 events (includes presentations)
RDSP Coordinators:
- Provided RDSP support to over 170 people
- Completed 16 Service Provider and community presentations
- And have established 10 community partnerships in the Edmonton area.
The Family Resource Center continued to help families build capacity, confidence, connections and community as seen by various measures. Qualitative feedback across various domains such as ISPs, Family Support, RDSP Support and Workshops highlight just a few examples of this impact.
“This [document] is amazing. Thank you so much. I wish you could be at the meeting with me but I know I’ve got this. Thank you for making this transition not as overwhelming (as it already is). This is amazing support!…”
Family Support:
“……it’s an opportune time to thank you for being such a great support to me, especially during the most difficult family crisis that we had last year. I’m teary-eyed right now recalling that time………… but we triumphed and you held me through. I am forever grateful for your time, patience……. You are such an angel.
Please know that my family and I are grateful for all that you’ve done and will continue to do…..”
“….As the year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the incredible work you do. Your dedication to helping others and making a positive impact in the lives of those in need is truly inspiring…..”
“Thank you very much! We are grateful for all that you do.”
“Thank you so much, was a very enriched evening with a lot to learn and put into practice.”
“This workshop is one of the most informative and thought provoking I have ever been to, I was happy
See the full 2023 report HERE

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) Supports
About RDSP Supports
Meet The 2023 Team
- Fiona Wilson (she/her), RDSP Coordinator
- Jacqueline Dymianiw (she/her), RDSP Coordinator
2023 Highlights and Achievements
In 2023, 402 people were supported with a disability tax credit (DTC), ) Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) information and direction, and general support with financial questions.
We directed 259 people to open a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and connected them to financial institutions and advisors who can open accounts and manage investments.
We continued key relationships with financial advisors who are experts in RDSP and can open accounts and also provide detailed information about financial planning, investment management, pay-out questions, and estate planning.
We supported 256 people with disability tax credit (DTC) applications. The DTC process remains the biggest challenge for folks who want to access the RDSP. We continued to support folks with comprehensive one-to-one support with the DTC application. We provided advocacy tips, advice, and support for people who were having challenges getting medical providers to complete and sign the form.
We maintained relationships with key service providers with the Government of Canada through Employment and Social Development Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency to better assist people with accessing the information they need promptly.
We developed new relationships with accountants and non-profit credit services in response to service gaps we noticed in the community. Creating easier access to the services and information people need.
Throughout 2023, we worked with RDSP coordinators province-wide to advocate for systemic changes in the way medical providers understand the eligibility process for disability tax. Collectively we sent letters and emails to medical practitioners offering education, tips, and sharing our experience to improve the service people receive.
We provided 70 presentations out in the community about the RDSP, DTC, and programs across Gateway.
We hosted 4 Take Over days on the Gateway App.
In September 2023, we launched Families Forward: Financial Resources and held 4 monthly meetings to connect families with a variety of financial information. These have continued to be offered monthly throughout 2024.
The same month, we launched a social media “Did You Know” campaign about the DTC, RDSP, and other financial tips.

Edmonton Employment Resource Centre
About Edmonton ERC
The Employment Resource Centre (ERC) supports participants to find meaningful, paid, employment and meets them where they are at throughout the process. We provide holistic supports and ensure that participants receive resources, and community referrals not only for their employment goals but also for other aspects of their life such as mental health resources. We continue to impact multiple facets of peoples lives by supporting them to find meaningful employment in areas they are passionate about while also supporting people to build their confidence, capacity, skills, make new connections and connect with community.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Renate Burwash (she/her), Director, Diversity & Inclusion Consulting/Director Employment Programs
- Ashleigh Benson (she/her), Manager, Program Development/Career & Inclusion Consultant
- Emma Kiefftenbeld (she/her), Career & Inclusion Consultant
- Jamie Thiessen (they/them), Workplace Inclusion Strategist
- Jasmine Hasiuk (she/her), Intake & Mentorship Coordinator
- Sandra Zilka (she/her), Data Coordination Manager/Employment Administrator
- Menda Tesfaye-Visser, Workplace Inclustion Strategist
- Skye Gladu, Career Inclusion Consultant
- Toby Grant, Digital Literacy Coordinator
Learn more about the Edmonton ERC HERE
2023 Highlights and Achievements
The impact of the program has been transformative, reaching far beyond the initial goal of employment. By fostering meaningful connections and friendships within workplaces, participants not only secured jobs but also gained a sense of belonging and independence.
The certification workshops and Career 360 event provided invaluable tools and knowledge, enhancing employability and equipping individuals with the skills needed for success.
The program not only educated employers about accommodations and equity, fostering an understanding of the hiring process, but also built enduring relationships with employers who sought the team for their hiring needs.
- We supported 180 Job Seekers in 2023, which included waitlisted participants who were able to access support through workshops.
- We worked with 94 employers in 2023.
- Added 5 new team members
- Facilitated 20 workshops in collaboration with the Calgary Employment Team
- Facilitate 4 Financial Literacy sessions and 1 series
- Hosted Job Search Workshop in person
- Started facilitating Lived Experience Learning sessions, where job seekers can share their employment journeys with other job seekers
- Hosted several DEAM events, including a Career Fair, Cheers to Inclusion event, and the DEAM Big Contest
Community Partnerships
MentorAbility Alberta
Mentorship opportunities further empowered participants to explore and excel in their chosen fields. The program’s impact reverberated through improved skills, increased independence, and a community that extended beyond the workplace.
Multicultural Health Brokers
The pilot project supporting newcomers with disabilities, in collaboration with Multicultural Health Brokers, exemplified a commitment to inclusivity. The program went beyond job placement, offering mental health support and creating a safe space for participants to disclose and seek resources. Families were supported with valuable resources, and participants learned to advocate for themselves.
Career 360
Career 360 emerged as a resounding success, a collaborative effort between Gateway Association and the Multicultural Health Brokers during DEAM (Disability Employment Awareness Month). This two-day career and employment resource conference showcased the culmination of a year-long project focusing on the intersection of newcomers to Canada and individuals with disabilities. With over 150 active participants, the first day immersed job seekers in a comprehensive preparation program, including mock interviews, resume reviews, headshots, art projects, and peer-led conversations. The second day brought employers and inclusion advocates together, fostering breakfast discussions on enhancing inclusivity. Employers led breakout sessions, breaking down barriers and facilitating collaborative learning. The event not only provided valuable insights for employers but also empowered job seekers to engage in meaningful conversations, demystifying the employment process. The MCHB pilot project expanded the program’s reach into diverse ethnocultural communities, establishing strong partnerships. Gateway successfully navigated internal changes, secured grants, and celebrated the culmination of the youth Get Work project, marking a period of notable achievement and growth. Subsequently, the program forged enduring employer partnerships with prominent organizations, including Superstore, Goodlife Fitness, Oilers Entertainment Group, Earls, CIBC, Canadian Western Bank, Federal Government, Primed, and Waste Management.
RDSP Supports
Through wrap-around supports, connections to the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and Disability Tax Credit (DTC) were strengthened
Superstore, Goodlife Fitness, Oilers Entertainment Group, Earls, CIBC, Canadian Western Bank, Primed and Waste Management. Pan Disability Connection. Federal Government. Multicultural Health Brokers. Canadian Mental Health Association. The Job Developer Committee. City of Edmonton. Norquest Transitions to Employment Program PAC.

Calgary Employment Resource Centre
About Calgary ERC
The Employment Resource Centre (ERC) supports youth to discover their skills and interests and plan for a career that best aligns with their values. Participants are assisted to develop their resume, action plan, and connect to training or educational opportunities that suit their needs. We offer a variety of virtual workshops to help participants build confidence and practice skills like interviewing and professional communication. Our team builds relationships with the local business community and facilitate talent matches that last.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Samantha Grabinsky (she/her), Senior Program Manager
- Akinyi Aboka, Career & Inclusion Consultant
- Courtney Lanouette (she/her), Career and Inclusion Consultant/ Intake Coordinator
- Gene Lachica (he/him), Career and Inclusion Consultant
- Jae Lee (he/him), Workplace Inclusion Strategist
- James Bancroft(he/him) – Workplace Inclusion Strategist
- Marnie Quan (she/her), Career and Inclusion Consultant
- Nikkitta Miller (she/her) – Career & Inclusion Consultant
- Reham Jadallah (she/her) – Career & Inclusion Consultant
- Ricardo Yepez (he/him), Career and Inclusion Consultant
- Stephen Wright (he/him), Workplace Inclusion Strategist
- Sarah French (she/her)- Workplace Inclusion Strategist
- Zehra Voong (she/her), Intake Coordinator
Learn more about the Calgary ERC team HERE
2023 Highlights and Achievements
- Supported 127 Job Seekers
- Connected with 350 employers
- Facilitated over 106 virtual & in-person workshops
- Hosted 14 stakeholder events, including Employer Networking Lawn Bowling, Holiday Party, Cheers to Inclusion, and Inclusion Perks events
- Participated in Calgary DEAM Proclamation event, and the 2nd annual DEAM Idea Conference in Edmonton, Alberta
- Launched the Workforce Inclusion Partnership Project and are now offering services in the Bow Valley Corridor
- Launched IDEA Works
- Hosted the first DEAM event in Canmore
- Attended the World Supported Employment Conference
First Nations Health Consortium, Platform Calgary, Canmore Chamber Chamber of Commerce, Work Nicer, Banff & Lake Louise Hotel Association, St. Anne’s Academic Centre, Forest Lawn High School, Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth, Shopper’s Drug Mart, Superstore, Good Life Fitness, Italiano Please!

Gateway to Digital Inclusion Program and App
About GTDI Program and App
Gateway to Digital Inclusion (GTDI) is a Digital Literacy program for Alberta residents, age 18 and older, who self-identify as having a disability-based barrier. This program was designed to help people gain the basic digital skills to engage online and keep up with the changing digital world. Through a series of interactive online workshops, field trips, courses, and tutorials; participants can build online connections and network, create digital content, have a digital presence, and build employable digital skills. After intake, participants can sign up for any of the workshop they are interested in, repeat workshop if they choose, and access digital literacy tutoring sessions. Gateway to Digital Inclusion helps participants build the digital skills and confidence to work, play, and engage online in a way that is meaningful to them.
The Gateway to Digital Inclusion Mobile App is designed to assist any Albertan family in navigating life while supporting a loved one with a developmental disability. The app covers topics across the lifespan and is available to 24/7. This allows Gateway to join community members on their journey, wherever they are at. Workshops and programs are available to help develop digital literacy skills. Additionally, the APP aims to complement all the different programming being executed by various teams at Gateway. By organizing events and workshops on themes such as mental health, story sharing, art and expression, our team is working towards providing a more holistic experience.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Lee Pilkington (she/her), Project Lead, Digital Literacy Coordinator YYC
- Toby Grant – Digital Literacy Coordinator
- Heath Birkholz – Digital Event & Platform Coordinator
- Maigan van der Giessen – Digital Event & Platform Coordinator
Rabia Dhanani – Project Evaluation & Reporting - Kevin McKee (he/him), IT Coordinator
Learn more about the GTDI team HERE
2023 Highlights and Achievements
- Gateway to Digital Inclusion progrsm offered 129 Digital Literacy sessions/workshops
- With a total of 775 attendees
- Hosted 34 Events on the Gateway App
- The combined attendance for our workshops and events, for the year, was 730 and 286 learning certificates were awarded.
- Our Digital Literacy Program worked with 61 different individuals throughout Alberta. Our workshops cover a wide range of topics and give participants a safe place to try out different digital literacy skills. In our workshops people work on skills that support them in both employment and their personal lives.
We have seen our participants expand what they can do online, find resources, try new hobbies, increase their digital literacy, and build employable digital skills. Participants have shown an increase in confidence with digital technology.
We developed two new workshops for our work simulation – Internet Basics and Social Media Basics. Internet Basics goes through a wide range of items including what is a browser, tips and tricks for searching online, using Google Maps, and assessing online information for reliability. Social Media Basics focuses on providing people information about how to create a brand, manage social media, and promote themselves.
- We supported 12 individuals through the Digital Storytelling stream as well as engaged with 1 service provider for our our Digital Job Coaching platform.
We had a record number of skill share sessions hosted in 2023.
- 31 sessions completed over all with a strong demand for more digital literacy focused workshops such as coding. We also piloted our digital storytelling program which resulted in some very creative uses of digital tools.
We have a formal partnership with CASE as one of their funded projects under Innovation Labs. We also built an informal relationship with Inclusion Winnipeg in our early 2023 days to receive some consultation on the initial framework for the Digital Job Coach.

Gateway to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Hub
About GEDI-Hub
The Inception:
With Alberta and Canadian workplaces currently experiencing workforce shortages, especially because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and with these shortages only projected to become larger in the next 10-15 years, Gateway Association was able to quickly identify an opportunity to formally and continue to support Alberta employers in becoming more inclusive. Utilizing proven workforce strategies such as equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and leaning into our existing 10+ years’ experience in supporting job seekers and employers informally through our employment program, plans for a provincial EDI resource centered were created.
The GEDI-Hub officially launced in February of 2022 and is Alberta’s first and only free workplace EDI resource centre. The GEDI-Hub offers customized consultations, free weekly workshops, and offers other resources located through the website. The team of Diversity and Engagement Consultants are located across the province and meets each workplace where they currently are in their EDI journey- whether starting from the beginning or finalizing an existing strategy!
The GEDI-Hub is a “one-stop-shop” in helping workplaces build their EDI capacity and knowledge. The GEDI-Hub is funded by the Government of Canada and its services will be offered at no cost to workplaces.
In addition to supporting workplaces, the GEDI-Hub will support the promotion of employment-focused service providers through a service provider directory and marketing activities. The GEDI-Hub also connects and introduces workplaces to a diverse talent pool of job seekers through a network of Alberta service providers. once launched, the Hub assists with all types of workplaces and organizations – ranging from small to enterprise-level and for and not for profit.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Sean McEwen (he/him), Director
- Shannon Black (she/her), Marketing and Communications
- Nishan Yihalem (she/her), Program Administrative Assistant
- B Adair (he/him): Diversity and Engagement Consultant
- Judy Sillito (she/her), Partner – Consultant through Multicultural Health Brokers
- Rosanna Mascarenhas (she/her), Diversity and Engagement Consultant
- Vincent Wells (he/him), Diversity and Engagement Consultant
- Lauren Migrino (she/her), Diversity and Engagement Consultant
- Carol Sun (she/her), Community Engagement Lead
- Nafiaa Alokla (he/him), Diversity and Engagement Consultant, Multicultural Health brokers
- Stephen Wright (he/him), Diversity and Engagement Consultant
- Nazarana Lalji (she/her), Diversity and Engagement Consultant
Learn more about the GEDI-Hub team HERE
2023 Highlights and Achievements
- In 2023, the GEDI Hub hosted 60 free, weekly workshops and fireside chats.The GEDI Hub hosted 2 HR roundtable sessions with ADP Canada in December which was attended by a number of HR and likeminded people in both Calgary and Edmonton.
In tandem with Gateway, our team participated in numerous events planned and executed by Gateway, including a service provider talent showcase, the Alberta LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce pride flea market and more. The Team also participated and assisted with Gateway’s annual Mayor’s Luncheon.
The GEDI Hub sponsored and supported Chic Geek’s ConnectHer Event which was attended by over 150 people in the tech sector. GEDI’s Rosanna presented an impactful session on Embracing Discomfort.
The GEDI Hub team with members of Calgary’s ERC, presented 5 sessions during Platform Calgary’s Innovation week.
Our team experienced growth this year, including the addition of two consultants with a specific focus on community and engagement and with HR.
2023 also marked the 1st anniversary of the launch and start of the project.
The Project continued to build positive connections to diverse job seekers. The team leaned in and focused on bridging the gap between supporting the building employer capacity to the next step in directly impacting employment outcomes for job seekers of diversity groups.
Platform Calgary, ADP Canada, Deaf and Hear Alberta, Included by Design, Community Futures Treaty 7, Multicultural Health Brokers

MentorAbility Alberta
About the MentorAbiity Alberta Team
MentorAbility is a national initiative that connects job seekers with disabilities with employers/mentors in their prospective fields of interest.
Gateway has been one of the facilitating organizations in Alberta for several years, facilitating mentorships in Northern Alberta.
At the end of 2023, we became the single facilitating agency for Alberta with 3 team members – two in Calgary and one in Edmonton.
Meet The 2023 Team
- Susannah Twase (she/her) – Southern Alberta Hub Facilitator/ Communications and Marketing
Alia Aluma (she/her) – Southern Alberta Hub Facilitator/ Communications and Marketing
Jamie Thiessen (they/them) – Northern Alberta Hub Facilitator
2023 Highlights and Achievements
38 job seekers, services, providers, and employer focused events (reached 1-30 people each through informative programming and events)
38 job seekers, services, providers, and employer focused events
Royal Alberta Museum (informal), University of Alberta (Informal), WhipLash Esthetics (Informal), IPSE (Formal)
Notable Mentions
2023 Mayor’s Luncheon
DEAM Idea Conference 2023
2023 YYC Holiday Party
2023 YYC Lawn Bowling Party
2023 YEG Holiday Party
Gateway Association for Community Living
Statement of Operations
Arbor Award Winners
The Frondosus Award recognizes the hard work and commitment of a volunteer working in the areas of community living and inclusion.
WINNER- Lionel Migrino
Inclusive Employment
The Opus Award recognizes a business that has had a direct role in the transformation of a person who lives with an intellectual disability through meaningful, inclusive employment.
WINNER – GoodLife Fitness
Family Strength
The Confirmo Award recognizes a parent or family member who has experienced an exceptionally challenging year, but persevered with courage and strength, like the strength and stability of a tree’s trunk.
WINNER- Shaben Family
Youth Leadership
The Pomus Award recognizes a youth or young adult whose ambition and hard work in promoting community living, makes our community a more vibrant and better place. This person will demonstrate strength and commitment in advocating for inclusion and the rights of everyone.
WINNER- Maya McIntyre
Community Leadership
The Communitas Award recognizes the commitment and dedication of a community leader who works hard to make our neighbourhoods a better place for everyone. This person should demonstrate the values of inclusion in everything they do and be a true role model.
WINNER-Lindsay Diduck & Chuck Clubine
Lizotte and Associates Real Estate Inc.
Service Sector
The Ramosus Award is an opportunity to recognize someone from the service sector who has helped you achieve your dreams by ‘branching’ outside their normal role or responsibilities. This person uses every opportunity available to demonstrate and educate about the values of inclusion and community living.
WINNER- Colin Simpson, Prosper Place
Arbor Awards Nominations
Every year, Gateway Association recognizes its members and other community leaders for their efforts to make a difference and promote community living, inclusion and strengthening its values. Gateway’s Arbor Awards honour people in six categories.

- ADP Canada
- Alberta Centre for Sexuality
- Banff & Lake Louise Hotel Association
- Bissell Centre
- Bow Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Bow Valley Immigrant Partnership
- BOWDA- Bow Valley Builders and Developers Association
- Calgary Chamber of Commerce
- Calgary Immigrant Women’s Society
- Calgary Popup Care Village
- Calgary Public School Board
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Canadian Western Bank
- Canmore Chamber of Commerce
- Canmore FCSS
- Casa Mental Health
- Centre for Autism Services
- Centre for Newcomers
- Chic Geek
- Children’s Link
- CHIMO Youth Retreat Center
- City of Edmonton
- Cohesive Communities
- Community Futures Treaty 7
- Connecting CommUnity (Red Deer)
- Deaf and Hear Alberta
- Edmonton Food Bank
- Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
- Edmonton Public Library
- Ethiopian and Eritrean (Autism Parent Group)
- Federal Government
- First Nations Health Consortium
- Forest Lawn High School
- Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
- Good Life Fitness
- Goodwill Industries of Alberta
- GRIT (Getting Ready for Inclusion Today)
- Highbanks Society
- Hop Forward Society Alberta
- IG Wealth Management
- Included By Design
- Independent Living Resource Centre of Calgary
- InceptionU
- Italiano Please!
- Live, Work, Play
- Metis Nation of Alberta
- Momentum
- Multicultural Health Brokers
- MultilinguAbilities
- Oilers Entertainment Group
- Parkland & West Family Resource Network
- Parks Canada/ Banff Field Unit
- Pan Disability Connection
- Platform Calgary
- Primed and Waste Management
- Prosper Place – CMHA Edmonton Region
- Real Canadian Superstore
- Ready, Willing and Able
- Regional Provincial Advisory Committee (RPAC)
- Royal Alberta Museum
- Self Advocay Federation (SAF)
- Sheldon Pickering Financial Advisor – IG Wealth Management
- Shopper’s Drug Mart
- Sinneave Foundation
- Skills Society
- Society for Autism Support & Services
- Speech Matters
- St. Anne’s Academic Centre
- St. Mary’s University
- St.ollery Children’s Hospital
- Superstore
- The Alex
- The Job Developer Committee
- Under 18 Interagency HUB
- Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth
- Voices Of Albertans with Disabilities (VAD)
- WhipLash Esthetics
- Work Nicer
- Alex Yeung
- Andriko Lozowy
- Beverly Yeung
- Bimpe Bakare
- Carissa Gravelle
- Cheri Cleyn
- Claire Ryan
- Darlene Welsford
- Diana Varughese
- Dilip
- Emma Burwash
- Hop Forward Society Alberta
- Jeremia.h Renner – Two Pillars Financial Solutions Inc.
- Kim Stefura
- Kristine Page
- Leonard Lozowy
- Martin Welsford
- Miriam Ading
- Nelly van Leeuwen
- Rakibul Chowdhury
- Ron Burrows Accountant
- Ron Pierce
- Shane Zilka
- Sinneave Foundation
- Terry Singleton
- Troy Burwash
- Yonique Ritch
Our Gateway to Digital Inclusion mobile app is designed for job seekers, self-advocates and families. Access our free resources by downloading the app.

Contact Us
201- 10941 120 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 3R3
Tel: 780-454-0701
1206 20 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 1M8
Tel: 587-779-7888
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