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ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Look Stuff Up Online (1/3)

Session: 1 of 3 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] This 3 session workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan […]

The Interview Roundtable: Learning and Laughing Together – In Person (Calgary)

Join us for a dynamic and interactive workshop designed to help you ace your next job interview. In our Interview Roundtable, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with fellow job seekers and share your experiences and insights. Our experienced facilitators will guide you through real-life interview scenarios and help you develop the skills and confidence […]

Discord Tutorial

Session 1 of 1 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Step by step tutorial for downloading and installing Discord – a free app that lets people chat using text, voice, or video. Discord is required for Online boardgames group.

Look Stuff Up Online (2/3)

Session: 2 of 3 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] This 3 session workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan […]

Steam Tutorial

Session 1 of 1 Duration 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Step by step tutorial for downloading and installing Steam – an online game platform. Steam is required for Online boardgames group.

Look Stuff Up Online (3/3)

Session: 3 of 3 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] This 3 session workshop series helps learners find, share, and explore things online through a series of fun activities. Participants will use different google map features to find their way around town, share their favourite places, plan […]

OSC Boardgames

Duration: 1.5 to 2 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop signup: [email protected] . **Requires Online Social Connections - Discord and Steam Tutorials as well as desktop or laptop computer.** Come hang out! Learn about setting up online accounts, meet new friends, socialize, and have fun playing boardgames online. Meet new friends, practice new skills, have fun!

Zoom Basics

Session: 1 of 1 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Learn what you need to know to participate in online Zoom meetings. Explore all the cool features of the program, practice your digital skills and build your zoom social skills.

Families Forward, Over 18

Families Forward, Over 18     Thursday, March 30 7pm – 9pm | Zoom Monthly meeting for families with loved ones over 18 with disabilities.      Where families can connect with other families, learn from one another, and explore issues that are important, such as housing, relationship building, and community and government supports. For accommodations and questions, […]

You TOO Can YouTube Series (1/4)

Session: 1 of 4 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Learn about being a YouTube viewer and a YouTube creator. Find out how to make your own YouTube Channel and what to consider when you are choosing videos to watch. Create YouTube content, learn about what to […]

Email Basics

Session: 1 of 1 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Lee Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Learn about and practice the basics of writing professional emails for your job search and workplace communication.

You TOO Can YouTube Series (2/4)

Session: 2 of 4 Duration: 1 hr Facilitator: Toby Private - GTDI Program intake required prior to workshop: [email protected] Learn about being a YouTube viewer and a YouTube creator. Find out how to make your own YouTube Channel and what to consider when you are choosing videos to watch. Create YouTube content, learn about what to […]