Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Interview Roundtable: Learning and Laughing Together

Interview Roundtable: Learning and Laughing Together Join us for a dynamic and interactive workshop designed to help you ace your next job interview. In our Interview Roundtable, you’ll have the […]

Interview Prep: Before, During & After

Interview Prep: Before, During & After In this workshop, you will learn about how to get ready for a job interview, how to “shine’ in the interview and what to […]

 Workplace Expectations

 Workplace Expectations You’ve got the job, now you must keep it! Talking about the everyday behaviors that are appropriate in the workplace: showing up on time how long is too […]

Networking 101

Networking 101 In this workshop participants will be learning how to network in-person! You will develop skills such as greeting others, making connections with people you want to connect with, […]

 How to Read a Job Posting

 How to Read a Job Posting  Join this workshop to understand various elements of a job posting, identify red flags, and find the right match. This workshop intends to help […]

Employment Resource Centre Information Session

Employment Resource Centre Information Session Join Gateway Association for a virtual Employment Resource Centre information session. This session is for job seekers with disability or mental health-based barriers to learn […]

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search Job search can be a long and daunting process for many. This workshop will introduce folks to the concept of having a “Growth Mindset” […]