Filter between our FRC, ERC and LRC workshops by clicking on the links below.


ERC Workshops: Employment Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

FRC Workshops: Family Resource Centre workshops & information sessions

DIH Workshops: Digital Literacy programs and workshops

Mentorability Alberta Current events and partnerships with Gateway Association


Interview Prep Workshop

Join us in the Interview Prep Workshop where you will learn alongside your peers of what to do before, during and after a job interview! Join us! Register at [email protected]

Interview Prep Workshop

Join us in the Interview Prep Workshop where you will learn alongside your peers of what to do before, during and after a job interview! Join us! Register at [email protected]

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose Are you wondering what your purpose is? Stuck and not sure where to go? Then we have a workshop for you! Come join us for self exploration […]

Growth Mindset; Resiliency in Job Search

Growth Mindset: Resiliency in Job Search Job search can be a long and daunting process for many. This workshop will introduce folks to the concept of having a “Growth Mindset” […]

Interview Roundtable; Learning and Laughing Together

Interview Roundtable: Learning and Laughing Together - Practice   Join us for a dynamic and interactive workshop designed to help you ace your next job interview. In our Interview Roundtable, […]

Workplace Expectations

Workplace Expectations You’ve got the job, now you must keep it! Talking about the everyday behaviors that are appropriate in the workplace: showing up on time how long is too […]

How to Read a Job Posting

How to Read a Job Posting  Join this workshop to understand various elements of a job posting, identify red flags, and find the right match. This workshop intends to help […]

Networking 101

Networking 101 In this workshop participants will be learning how to network in-person! You will develop skills such as greeting others, making connections with people you want to connect with, […]

Calgary Employment Program Information Session

Join Intake Coordinator Courtney in sharing about the Employment Program, the program pathway, the individualize services and supports available, workshops and MORE!